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About me

Hey, welcome! I will briefly introduce myself. I'm Nadine, 29 years old, and I've been living in the beautiful Switzerland (Lucerne) since September. My mission is to reconnect women with themselves. I feel this mission strongly because I know what it's like to be disconnected from yourself, to have a cluttered mind, to operate on autopilot, and constantly seek answers.


How did I reconnect with myself? It was a gradual process. Firstly, Human Design was a real eye-opener; I felt so much recognition that it sparked a deeper journey into myself. I took more time for myself and started a coaching path where we delved into my inner world. I worked with practices such as breathwork, meditation, visualization, affirmations, and family constellations. To further understand myself and guide others, I started the training to become a Holistic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner.


All of this has led to increased awareness, peace, space, and clarity. All the answers you seek are within you. When you create space for yourself, the answers will naturally become clear. This has led me to make choices in line with who I am. Ultimately, I reconnected with myself: back to my essence. During my journey, it became clear to me that I want to guide other women through this process.

Holistische coach, meditatie & cacao ceremonies, Luzern

"Now is the moment for you! Time to truly connect with yourself and embrace your essence. You are absolutely perfect just as you are!"

Holistische coach, meditatie & cacao ceremonies, Luzern
Holistische coach, meditatie & cacao ceremonies, Luzern

Do you recognize the feeling of always being busy and rushed? Finding it challenging to maintain focus and calm in a world full of noise?


I was an expert at always being busy—another course, a new job, and simultaneously keeping up with many social connections. I was highly focused on the external world, trying to juggle all the 'balls'. I unconsciously pursued the image society labeled as 'good' and 'successful.' I had 'everything', yet it felt like something was missing. I knew I had to do something about it because I was completely neglecting myself.


A cluttered mind, and at the same time, I felt emptiness within me. I wasn't doing what made me happy. I listened to my mind and not to my heart. What do I want? What brings me joy? I struggled to find answers to these questions and connect with my feelings. Until the moment I started seeing myself as a priority and took steps in that direction. This has allowed me to experience so much more peace, freedom, and strength. And I wish the same for you!

"There are always reasons not to do it, but what are your reasons to do it? To choose for yourself and let your inner fire burn?"

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