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Cacao Ceremony

In addition to individual coaching, Cacao Ceremonies have also assisted me in reconnecting with myself. They helped me connect with my body, meet like-minded individuals, and open my heart. This is why I am currently organizing cacao ceremonies here in the beautiful city of Lucerne, Switzerland. Curious about what a cacao ceremony entails exactly?

Cacao ceremonie, Luzern, meditatie, online ceremonie
Cacao ceremonie, Luzern, meditatie, online ceremonie
Cacao ceremonie, Luzern, meditatie, online ceremonie

Pure cacao is known as a heart-opening medicine. It helps shift your attention inward, uncover patterns, embrace self-love, and support you on your unique path. Additionally, pure cacao is rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and enhances nutrient absorption. It also has a positive impact on mood, focus, and creativity. Above all, it's crucial to personally experience its effects and discover what it can mean for you.


During the ceremony, we drink the cacao with mindfulness and intention. Each ceremony incorporates various elements such as meditation, breathing exercises, music, reflective questions, and movement/dance. It's a moment to fully come into yourself, to soften and slow down. To experience a deep connection with yourself and others, where you open your heart and release emotional blockages. I conduct the ceremonies at Yoga Studio Lucerne, in English, always from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. You can sign up for a Cacao Ceremony below (60,- CHF). If you're interested in an online Cacao Ceremony, feel free to send me a message.

Yoga studio (Werkhofstrasse 18):  
March 15 - April 5 & 21 - May 3 & 17 - June 7 & 23

"I really enjoyed the cacao ceremony with Nadine. I could take the time to reflect on my current situation, to face my difficulties and be intentional for what I want to happen to me. The whole experience I would describe as somehow spiritual. Nadine guided it very well and everything felt very natural"

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